Download the Petition for Membership
Although warranted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, this Lodge will work differently than any other Lodge within the jurisdiction. This Lodge’s membership is divided into three categories: Full Member, Associate Member, and Fellow.
Full membership is extended to those who are members in good standing of a symbolic Lodge, constituted under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Associate membership is extended to Brethren who are members of a Lodge outside our Jurisdiction, which is recognized by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Fellows are distinguished members, elected for their outstanding scholarship.
Membership in the Pennsylvania Lodge of Research does not constitute dual membership.
How to Join
Membership in the Lodge of Research is open to all Master Masons who are members of Lodges recognized by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. To become a member, please use the link above to download and complete the petition of membership.
The joining fee is $75, and dues are $25 per year. Both fee and dues (a total of $100) must accompany the completed petition.
Completed applications should be sent along with the membership fee to the Secretary, at:
Bro. Michael L. Moran, Secretary
Attn: Lodge of Research
c/o The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, F. & A.M.
1 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Questions regarding membership can be emailed to:
All members receive a Member’s Pocket Jewel and a Lapel Pin. Also, the Transactions of the Lodge of Research will be published and distributed to all members.
The Pennsylvania Lodge of Research provides an opportunity for Master Masons to study and share knowledge relating to unique aspects of our culture. Freemasonry represents a significant contribution to American history and our collective character.
Freemasonry poses many questions on a myriad of topical areas: philosophy, history, ritual and symbolism, to name a few. There are thousands of volumes written on Freemasonry and yet the depth of this subject has never quenched the desire for additional study.
As a member of the Lodge of Research, a Master Mason has the opportunity to meet with Masonic scholars from throughout the jurisdiction and to present his thoughts and research. Research papers will be presented at each meeting. Members also have the opportunity to become an officer of the Lodge of Research.
Through an organized Lodge of Research, a Master Mason may discover areas of interest in Masonic lore of which he may have been unaware. The members of the Lodge of Research also serve as resources for the exchange of ideas.
The Lodge provides an exposure to new ideas through meetings and published transactions, as well as information about unique and rare documents and publications.